Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Relief. Sigh.

Sooooo I am feeling quite relieved right now.

Over spring break I decided that I was going to do something about my unhappiness at JMU and apply to VCU. I've started the application, and I'm almost done with it which is fabulous :D

All I have left is to finish the scholarship essay, which I think I have written well so far.

Where the stress came in aside from actually applying however, was telling my future roommate that if I was accepted at VCU I would most likely be there in the fall. I finally told her today and she took it so well, I literally thanked God for her reaction seconds after it happened.

Therefore I am a happy Kimmy, a person I honestly haven't seen much of lately.

I'm still of course stressed about finishing my essay, figuring out transcript and other stuff I need to send in, getting accepted, my present work load, moving, my family being in another state, etc, etc. If I look at it in a positive light it doesn't seem so bad.

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." matt 28:20

Bah! That is pretty comforting if you ask me.

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