Monday, February 21, 2011

Small Groupie!

Small group was awesome today like Steph said :D

Dinner was hilarious as usual. Melissa and I are just crazy together, we are kind of soul mates in that department I believe. Tis lovely.

It was nice to see Paige back at small group again! I've missed her!

We played some fun games, including ... psychiatrist which was funny, and then telephone. We definitely messed up some of those messages...... all Imma say is "eating little people sandwhiches" Yes. This is our small group :D

What we talked about was helpful. I cuss like a sailor so I need to work on that, but we mainly focused on gossip or just saying mean things about other people. You can say so many good things but you can turn around and say so many hurtful things too. It really made me think about.. thinking about... my words. Haha. Not to complicate things.

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